As a millennial, how will you describe literature in the context of modern living? - 21st CENTURY LITERATURE


CONTEXT:  As a millennial, how will you describe literature in the context of modern living? 

Literature Influences Us

       When I was young, my endearing parents have always been giving me presents – a collected body of written works like science encyclopedias, autobiography, bible stories, novels, cooking guide, history and map, poems, dictionaries, fairytales, and many more. And that was the moment of life that I was introduced to literature and it has been a part of me as reading is my doorway to escapism and adventure of the another world of prose and poetry & nonfiction and fiction.

      And as I grow up and as a millennial, living in the modern context of everything about contemporary beliefs, lifestyle, culture, and others, indeed I could say that ‘literature can literally influence and connects us to the significance of life’ as such it is in part of an irreplaceable historical legacy. Among other things, it tells us who and what we are as human beings since it serves as a mirror of us. Moreover, it is part of artistic and practical value but mostly it provides us a standard of excellence in one of our most important skills – developing our mastery of verbal and written communication, creating a sense of identity and community. Literature is a life-changing instrument for us as it can alter our life as a person in a substantial way as the literature teaches us to look at every existence from different perspectives and views that give us a reason to rationally comprehend in a different manner and understand our surroundings better, where our thoughts may be free from isolation and infinite leading us to create beautiful art through imagination that we can actually foster as an individual.

        Additionally, literature provides a window into the past, present, and future as it allows us to see how our ancestors, other races & culture, and every individual with different characteristics dealt with day-to-day life’s struggle as we can learn from their moral story and mistakes like novels “Juliet and Romeo” and “The Little Prince”. Some written works, especially modern literature gives us a view into present-day politics like the book ‘The Hate U Give’ and reading fictional books like “To Kill a Mocking Bird” also can give us an insight into how we can envision the future might turn out. Literature also helps every individual to understand the human condition – what makes them who they are, focusing on love, war, tragic and different themes throughout life where we can empathize their own ideas and widen our knowledge on basic human emotions, intelligence, spiritual enlightenment and happiness.

      Generally, literature is one of the greatest treasures in the world as it has a great impact of our modern lives and we should believe that words and ideas can do change the universe and influence an individual’s soul – even millennial or not, as it carries an endless depth of words and gives birth to infinite thoughts as I conclude that literature is life itself.         
