English Sample SCRIPT
Post Assessment:
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Stranger’s Lesson
Setting: Commuting by Payung-payung from Pagadian to Aurora. Afternoon
Manong Sery – the kind middle age man, the driver of
Elena – as senior student, curious about life and
eager to learn about things, she tries to take the stranger’s experience as an
advice and lesson to her life
John – the boyfriend of Stella who cheated on her
Stella – the girlfriend of John, nice and humble.
In life,
every day brings a new lesson, it might be painful or full of ecstasy and warm
but stimulates a message and attempt to teach and guide us to our leading path.
In fact, life is the greatest teacher of all – it teaches us things that no one
else could. As Elena commutes to her home, Tukuran from visiting her grandma at
Aurora, she accidental encounters a couple riding the same vehicle as her. That
journey to home was the day she learned a sensible and heart wrenching lesson
from the stranger’s break up.
walk towards the gate her grandma’s house to go outside and return to her
hometown tukuran.)
Elena: Bye
grandma!!! I gotta go now and stay well.
(She smiled
and waved at her grandma.)
Narrator: Elena runs to the payungpayung
parking lot where they travel from aurora to dumalinaw. The she met Manong Sery.
It was noisy from clamor and roar of different motorcycles.
Sery: How are you, Elena? Did you give my regards to your grandma? Well, I
already have two passenger, I need one more to be enough to leave.
(Elena mano
to Manong Sery and simply giggle.)
Elena: What
a good timing manong! I am as well going home to Tukuran. And yes I did give
your regards to grandma. So while you’re on it, finding another passenger, let
me the last client you need. Im’ma ride on your motorcycle hihi.
Sera: Now, what you’re waiting? Hop in.
thank you manong!
(Elena leap gracefully and sit on the back
ride seat. She grips on the metal above while Manong Sery tries to turn on his
engine and clutch his gears as the motor roars.)
sery: Hold on tight! We’re now proceeding to Tukuran.
( As the
motor dashes to the highway and travels to Tukuran)
Scene 2:
Narrator: For
how many minutes have passed let the time flow until noon, only few kilometers
have left to reach their destination, the couple begun to have a conversation
inside the cub.
John: We’ve
been silent for an hour already. Stella, this is the best time to talk, please
let’s talk once again.
Elena and Manong Sery heard the conversation, and subtly listened
John, stop… This is not a good place talk.
Honestly, I don’t even know who’s with at that time. The circle was bigger than
I thought and some people around me are completely strangers. I’m sorry, it is
my fault, that was accident. I’m completely drunk.
(John was
quietly sobbing)
Stella: It
was different, John. The girl who kissed you was different. There are kisses
that are mistake, and there are kisses of love. Then what do you feel when you
kissed the girl that night?
John: I
know, it was not you. I--
Stella: (Interrupted)
And I know it wasn’t me.
John: It
was a mistake, Stella. I’m sorry.
Stella: I
feel ‘more’ sorry for myself that I trusted a guy who willingly forget me when
he’s intoxicated with alcohol.
(John grab
Stella’s hand and hold it near to his face.)
Stella, I swear. I would never drink again. I would never do that again. I
pulled her hand away from the grasp of John)
Stella: You
did it already, once and if I’ll let this thing slip away and love you again,
then I’ll be stupid, it feels like im waiting for you to repeat that mistake.
Once a mistake has done, it will tolerate you again.
sigh a little with teary eyes)
That’s why, I need time for ‘us’ right now.
sery and Elena accidentally eavesdrop the argument of the couple. Elena bowed
her head while Manong tried to approach the pair verbally.)
sery: Uhm, do you wanna talk alone? We’re few meters apart until reach Tukuran,
do I have to drop you a comfortable place?
sery asked kindly.)
It’s okay tay, you don’t have to. At least, the young lady at the backed can
learn that not all guy who promised the world with you, will remember the girl
they love when they’re drunk.
smiled at Elena while Elena stared at her teary eyes miserably and was
they reach the first destination where the John supposed to get off.)
John: No, I
won’t get off on this vehicle.
Stella: Get
off or we’re not going to talk anymore forever. Please I need space, it is more
than enough to take all of it.
slowly get off the payungpayung and sob as he payed manong sery for fare.)
John: thank
you tay. Please send her off safely to her home. Stella, goodbye.
(John left.
And they continue to travel to different place.)
buried her face to her hands and whines soflty and talk to elena)
Stella: Ga,
let me give you an advice. I know you’ve heard a lot, I hope you will find a
guy who will love you devotedly and authentic. If ever you already find the
that person, let your man do his hobby, stuff or even his bisyo (vices). The if
the guy will cheat or leave you unreasonably, then let him go. Once a cheater
will be a cheater. Forgive, but don’t forget the lesson. Just a reminder, we
are beautiful woman, we don’t deserve infidelity.
(Stella got
off to her destination and waved to manong and Elena cheerfully as the vehicle
turn and travel again to last destination)
after hearing their story, the only comment I can give is I’ve been married to
my wife for more than a decade, but I can proudly say that every time I’m inebriated, I never forget how
I love my wife and children. I believe the sincere loving heart never forgets,
it is responsibility.
Elena: I am
totally speechless. But it is amazing to learn from a stranger. What a day!
Thank you manong for the safe trip! Bye.
(Elena also
get off to the payungpayung then waved to Manong. She walked towards a silent
street as she raised her head looking at the clouds)
Elena: That
hit me hard. In shorter words, alcohol is never an excuse to cover up how
unfaithful a person is. I hope time heals for the both person.
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