Let Me Tell You About "RESEARCH"

Yes, I am a STEM student, and basically it has been part of our curriculum to do research study before even graduating in senior high. But so far from my experience research has been fun and interesting as you wildly approach science as fundamentally part of every living, non-living and part of the world. It minds the perfect answer of our existential WH questions in our brain.

How do electricity works? Why do we have seasons and different from other country? What are basic parts of airplane so that it can withstand the pressure from the atmosphere? Where do fireflies sleep at day time? AND MANY MORE!

It brought my investigating and curiosity on the table and sharpen my thoughts to analyze things in order to accurately define the conclusion on point. Here we are on Practical Research 1!

In my own words, research is basically the study of analysis and interpretation of info systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources creation of new knowledge and/or the use of existing knowledge in a new and creative way systematic inquiry that entails collection of data documentation of critical information engage in investigation or search again.

What I know about research…

What I want to know about research …

What I learned about research…

The definition of which it is a process of systematic inquiry that entails collection of data; documentation of critical information; and analysis and interpretation of that information, and types of research: qualitative and quantitative.

The different researches purposes, importance of research, the characteristics, processes and important ethics of research. Differentiate quantitative research from qualitative research.


Research experiences and knowledge, importance of research in daily lives to a better industry and society, different researches purposes, importance of research, the characteristics, processes and important ethics of research. And research across fields like quantitative and qualitative research.

1.       Engaging in research work is the next fundamental step as a student in excellent education. It is action and practice where we seek and study for an answers to a certain problem or issue. It is important as a Senior High students because it helps us to have a detailed analysis of any topic, the result comes out to be productive and also the knowledge is enhanced. In exploring the impact of research, it is an opportunity to have advancement in building on crucial knowledge and wisdom that have improved our lives through applying new thought processes by study, investigating and testing.

2.       Indeed, I have already undergone research in the past, it is a quantitative research and evaluation research wherein systematic investigation of phenomena by gathering quantifiable data and performing statistical, mathematical, or computational techniques. Our research title: Production of Organic Chicken Feeds Using Ipil-Ipil (Leucaena leucocephala) Leaves, Fish Mill and Bio Feeds.

What’s new!!!


Based on the picture, the research that can be done to solve this problem is to understand and explain the root of the issue and generalize the phenomenon under the investigation to contribute knowledge. ‘The impact of a clean and healthy environment on decreasing the poverty state of the community’, ‘Enhancing the quality of environment on the community responding to its poverty state by assigning coastal clean-up every week’, or ‘The effectiveness of waste management in a community’s poverty state by application of recycling and having a dumpster’. To generalize, it is the best to make an evaluation and action research to solve the given problem wherein the processes and outcomes aimed at an attempt solution and solving specific issue, a community involved in gathering information and s tudying themselves.

                Well, I have students still ask the same question. "Why do we need research in our curriculum these current event of pandemic?".

                Research is the hope and light to understand and end of COVID-19. Researchers and other key stakeholders involved in the battle against the pandemic across the globe to understand better and to find a solution. The current research has now focused to comprehend the variability of manifestation of symptoms as a result of viral infection, the possible intervention and collecting & studying the data collected to produce and develop vaccine as the best key to finish the pandemic.

What’s more!

                Generally, in doing research, it is required to be systematic in method of finding answers to questions because it is a process broken up into clear steps that lead to deductions. Moreover, research studies data and embedded with process as research is defined as the creation of new knowledge, conclusions and discoveries. In fact, research also refers to the subjective experiences of participants and usually stated to as phenomenological research. Thoroughly, it is important to have validated surveys/interviews especially in qualitative research wherein it should be considered to be the degree to which it measures what it claims to measure. Then, it typically starts with a broad topic next to choosing a specific problem to study as to generate new concepts, methodologies and understandings. Last of all, research is factual and productive in leading new ways to help us solve relevant problems in the community that includes synthesis and analysis of previous research to the extent that it leads to new and creative outcomes.

Giving an example of what can be a research study are relevant to know and learn:

-         Poor health of children during pandemic

-       Water pollution due to fertilizer and flooding in rivers

-        Uncontrolled waste resulting to land pollution

1.       I would like to conduct basic research to understand and explain the phenomenon under investigation of ‘the effect of COVID-19, pandemic situations and isolation to children’s poor health in mentally and physically state’ in formulating and testing theoretical constructs and propositions.

2.        With the aid of applied research, I would like to help people understand nature’s problem so that our community can more effectively control environmental actions by conducting research ‘the effects determined by the acidity level of different chemical fertilizer on water sewage and  rivers’ or ‘the difference of organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer affecting the water quality of the river’. Through this it can pursue more potential solutions and develop more way to reduce water pollution.

3.       Action research is the last research I would like to conduct, ‘Improving pollution in the community of Purok Riverside by assigning monthly clean-up and waste management symposium’. It aims to solve the specific problem within my community gathering and studying information.

What I  Have Learn

  • Research is vital to put knowledge under the microscope and to add to education’s knowledge bases and subject areas. It will help us as a student to look at the practices within education, to check if the best pedagogies are in place and appropriate in learning. Particularly, we are under the current COVID crisis that leads us to research the impact of online learning on students and educators. Further, research is the root and essential to have a successful education produces a qualified and many aspects of a career in life. It provides us a proper comprehension of a wide range of education that includes Logic, Linguistics, Sociological knowledge, Political and societal knowledge, medical statistic, economical state, and many more. In conclusion, as a human being or a student, research is a valuable endeavor for every individual that we will able to look into statistics and likely influence our decisions in our daily lives as a response to solving and evaluating a problem. 

Research has several characteristics that distinguish it from other forms of inquiry or investigation. These characteristics help ensure that research is systematic, reliable, and rigorous in generating knowledge and understanding. Here are some key characteristics, stages and ethics of research:

Characteristic of research

Stages in research

Ethics in research  


        Define research problem


3       Systematic

         Review the literature


3         Controlled

        Formulate hypothesis


4         Analytical

        Design research


5         Objective

        Collect data


Of course, they are numerous topics and interesting facts in world that research are broken into main types in order to organize and systemize the conclusion according how to analyze its raw data.





The definition - It deals with words and meanings usually expressed in statement and concept.

I want to know the examples and concept on it. And when to use this type of research. And the style of its presentation of data.

Allow us to explore ideas and experiences in depth that involves collecting and analyzing non-numerical data.

How to analyze the data and the process of methodology - data gathering, data analysis and conclusion.


The definition - It deals with numbers and statistics, usually expressed in numbers and graphs.

I want to know the examples and concept on it. And when to use this type of research. And the style of its presentation of data.

Allow us to test a hypothesis by systematically collecting and analyzing data.

The processs and methology in analyzing the data, using ANOVA and quantifying methods/statistical tools.


1.       Qualitative research is primarily investigative, used to gain an understanding of people’s reasons, opinion and motivation. The methods in gathering data that are usually words, image or subjects includes focus groups, individual interviews and etc. The presentation of data is in narrate style extract & direct quotations forms research participants.

2.       Quantitative research used to quantify the problem and can be done by generating numerical data using statistical tools. It uses a structured and validated data collections instrument. Presentation of data is in tables and graphs. Statistic, analysis and comparisons with data obtained.


Both are based on a logical and repeatable process, same characteristic, stages and important ethics. Determination for either research method is driven by the problem, gap, purpose, and research questions.

WWhat can I do

The sample of research ethics does contain fundamental ethical principles since it values the identity of survey participants, it applies the intellectual property and human subjects protection wherein it gives a proper acknowledgement or credit for all research contributions, practice not publishing data, methods or results without permission together with respecting human dignity, privacy and autonomy, then it claims to have openness, integrity and honesty. Moreover, it protect confidential communication, personnel and patient records.

TYPES OF RESEARCH and example study of each:

1.       Experimental research: an experimental study of Daily Exercise Routine on Mental Health of a Teenager

2.       Basic research: Possible Vaccination of HIV

3.       Applied research: Ways to manage teenagers with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

